Materials: Glass mixing bowl Cutting board Knife Spoon Spatula Ingredients, in order of weight. The exact ratios are to your taste. Avocados Tomatoes, ideally Roma Onion, ideally red Garlic Cilantro Salt Lime juice Essentially, make pico de gallo, but with avocado. The texture of all the components here is important! Steps: Chop the onion coarsely and add to mixing bowl. Chop the garlic finely and add to mixing bowl. Please do not use a garlic press, please use garlic powder instead of using a garlic press. Chop the tomatoes coarsely, add to mixing bowl. Add some salt and a dash of lime juice. Pluck cilantro leaves, add to mixing bowl. Get the avocado flesh out of the shell, add to mixing bowl. Mix with spatula. Taste, and add more salt or lime juice to taste. If you'll be eating it with tortilla chips, taste it with those tortilla chips, for salt reasons. Notes: Do not use a metal bowl! It will make everything oxidize very quickly and taste like metal. Covered, this keeps for about a week in the fridge. It scales up very well. Make a lot! It's good for you. Share it with a friend. Ideally, you're making this at the height of summer, and using fresh ingredients.